What is a Doula?A Birth Doula is an experienced Birth professional who provides Antenatal education, information on Labour & Birth with the knowledge to fully prepare women for Birth. We give continuous physical and emotional labour support, primarily to the mother & her partner. A Doula gives Birth support with the understanding that the Birth process is typically a normal healthy event in a woman’s life. They also understand that it can be unpredictable . Doula's are there to provide whatever support a mother needs and will follow the lead of each individual. They are not there to “take over” your labour or coerce you into an alternative birth experience. A Postnatal Doula is a Professional Postnatal Specialist educated & experienced in Newborns care, needs of the new mother & are trained to educate on what to expect in the postnatal period. Doula's have always existed traditionally,In the past it was more usual for a female family member, to help a new mother on her journey to parenthood. Although not trained, they gave nurturing support, drawn from their life experience. In the same way, a modern Doula’s support comes directly from the heart and wisdom of that individual. Our training & education is ongoing from continued professional development with study from academic & practical courses, knowledge learnt from experts at seminars & conferences & from the invaluable experience gained working directly with our clients. We work alongside medical professionals, supporting to complement the medical care women receive to give the best possible outcome. With our current overstretched maternity services, a Doula provides an invaluable service, filling a gap with continuous one to one care which new parents deserve & really need.
What a Doula is not ?A Doula is not a medical or health professional, although Doula's usually have a lot of experience with birth. It is a large part of their daily working life. A Doula does not perform medical or clinical procedures or give medical advice. Doula's do not encourage you to go against any medical advice you have been given but will help you ask the right questions, research evidence based information that will help you understand your options, for you to make choices based on what is best for you & your baby. A Doula will help you communicate your preferences to your birth team. A Doula does not make any decisions on your behalf. A Doula empowers you to assert your own voice, thoughts, opinions, needs and desires, and to make your own decisions.
Why hire a Doula?Doulas are very privileged to be part of a woman’s unique birthing journey & aside from all the well documented *evidence proving having a Doula usually results in a safer, straightforward Birth & a more positive experience overall, why we become Doula's is also significant. Those who take on the responsibilities & commitment of a Doula do not do so because they just want to see babies be born or because they love to cuddle babies. Not only is our actual focus the mother & her physical & emotional well being but being a Doula is a true calling. Doula's are compassionate & caring individuals who are passionate about supporting women to have a positive Birth experience & for new mothers to feel supported & cared for in the first few weeks after birth. Women remember the births of their babies all of their lives & in particular how they were cared for, the type of experience they have has a huge short & long term impact on their physical & emotional health. It matters to us. Some parents feel that they wouldn't benefit from a Doula's support because we have Midwifes & Health Professionals to provide everything expectant parents need. However, not all Hospitals or Health Professionals can or do provide women centre care. The NHS provides an valuable & on the whole an excellent maternity service but even with the best will in the world, Health Professionals are under tremendous pressure because of constraints & are hugely understaffed. Which means the care provided to expectant & new mothers is often inconsistent & falls short of providing anything other than necessary medical responsibilities. This results in many women suffering from a lack of individual, satisfactory & sufficient care. Doula's provide the consistent emotional & practical aspects, they feel strongly that when women birth their babies they should be respected, listened to, informed, feel safe & well cared for. They want to share the Secrets of Birth & how it can be a joyful & an empowering experience. Doulas are knowledgeable & experienced in birth, maternity medical & hospital procedures. Doula's do not interfere or try to influence medical advice but inform you of your options enhance medical care & work in collaboration with medical professionals. They want to share their insight into biological normal newborn behaviour, so you can have a better understanding of your newborn. Doula's prepare you for what to expect postnatally, guiding you through the first few weeks. Doula's want women to feel completely nurtured in the postnatal period, they take immense pleasure in your joy of being a new parent & instinctively know when a mother needs someone to lean on & a shoulder to cry on. Mothering the mother is at the heart of all we do
* What is the evidence on Doula's?The evidence shows that professional labor support can have some of the following effects : Labours with doulas present were shorter with fewer complications Emotional support reduces negative feelings about one’s childbirth experience Reduces the need for syntocin (a labour-inducing drug), forceps or vacuum extraction Reduces the requests for pain medication & epidurals, as well as the incidence of cesareans Significantly reduces the rates of cesarean births In over 15 trials, which included over 22,000 women, the results provided impressive statistics, all of which indicated that unconditional labour support positively affected a woman’s birth outcomes. “Overall, women who received continuous support were more likely to have spontaneous vaginal births and less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, negative feelings about childbirth, vacuum or forceps-assisted births, and C-sections. In addition, their labours were shorter by about 40 minutes and their babies were less likely to have low Apgar scores at birth". It means that if you have continuous labor support (that is, someone who never leaves your side), you are statistically more likely to have better outcomes and your baby is more likely to have better outcomes. How did Doulas compare to the other types of continuous support? The researchers also looked to see if the type of support made a difference. They wanted to know—does it matter who you choose for your continuous support? Does it matter if you choose a Midwife, Doula, or partner for your continuous support? They were able to look at this question for 6 outcomes: use of any pain medication, use of Syntocin during labor, spontaneous vaginal birth, C-section, admission to special care nursery after birth, and negative ratings of birth experience. For most of these outcomes, the best results occurred when a woman had continuous labour support from a Doula– someone who was NOT a staff member at the hospital and who was NOT part of the woman’s social network.
When should I book a Doula?It is never too early to hire a Doula,and the ideal time to hire one is 5-6 months before your estimated due date. Doulas are usually booked early & quickly; repeat birthing families often book their doula on the day their pregnancy is confirmed!
Does a Doula replace my partner?Absolutely not. Doula's know birth. Your partner knows you. We work together to give you the best possible support for your baby's birth.. Doula's help partners to support the mother, indicating what to do & when, so the partner has confidence in his/her role during the birth. Doula's do not infringe on the father/partner, or diminish his/her role or participation in the birth. As questions arise during labor, the Doula can reassure the partner when things are normal, or when something needs attention. Doula's can also help partners navigate the confusing options that come up during birth. Doula's can also give partners a break if they want one.
How will a Doula benefit my partner?Doula's offer impartial support to both you and your partner. Often those who are closest and/or related to you are strongly influenced by the process of labour and struggle on how best to support you. They are too caught up in their own experience, that they struggle to be both wholly there for you physically and mentally. We allow partners to be more present for you, while we handle the more mediocre things like, fetching water, food, taking care of the ambiance of the room. Doulas allow partners to take breaks,contact family, & occasionally sleep in longer labors. Doulas often foresee standard processes that might be coming down the line so that you and your partner have time to navigate these choices together without being caught completely off guard. In some of the most basic ways a doula can support partners by showing them the time and experience tested methods of physical & emotional support like how to perform comfort techniques through touch and verbal coaching. Your partner is also experiencing the birth of their child or a new family member. A doula allows for your partner to have their own experience while concurrently supporting yours.
Can I benefit from a Doula, If I am considering Pain medication or an Epidural ?"Definitely yes! A Doula is beneficial assisting with planned medicated or un-medicated births. Some expectant mothers prefer no pain medication, others want to begin with no medication, but reserve the right to change that decision. Others choose a planned medicated birth. A Doula offers information on all procedures, including pain medication, potential side effects & interventions. A Doula will discuss options with you & your partner, facilitate a dialogue between you, your partner & hospital staff. Translate medical terms & proposed procedures. Your Doula’s aim is to support & champion your decisions, appreciating that birth preferences may change. The choice to use pain medication or not is up to you.
If I have a Caesarean, can I still benefit from a Doula ?"Again definitely yes! Even in a highly medicalised birth, a Doula is there to explain what is happening and guide you though the procedure.A Doula can be with you during recovery to help with the first breastfeed & skin to skin contact. Once admitted to the ward, you will benefit from extra care. A Doula can be on hand for you practically, supporting you with your baby & there to support your partner. Make sure you eat & drink & you are comfortable.
What is your Doula style ?I consider myself organised, practical, hands on for physical support, kindly nurturing, knowledgeable & easy going. I am an evidence based Doula with a confident and no nonsense style of communication. I do not judge or criticisise your choices or tell you what to do. I believe its only best if its best for you. I hope to make you feel relaxed, confident & informed. I do this with gentle guidance, warmth & humour. I am loyal, discreet, a quiet, calm & strong presence that you can rely on. I am committed to your birth choices & supporting you completely. I am your biggest champion & your port in a storm.
Are you qualified ? Where did you do your training ?I completed my Doula Training with Kicki Hansard of the Birth Bliss Academy. Kicki is an award winning Doula, published author of award winning books & experienced Doula Facilitator. I completed my Hypnobirthing Practioner Training with Dani Diosi (Dip He,Dyp Hyp LHS of Mama Serene a highly qualified and experienced Antenatal & Childbirth educator, Hypnotherapist and Doula ). I draw on my 29 years of experience of Breastfeeding Support, alongside my Breastfeeding Counsellor qualification & my continuously updated Breastfeeding Support training. I also trained for 2 years as a Nanny & qualified with an NNEB. I have worked closely with young families, expectant parents & newborns as a Nanny, a Maternity Nanny, a Registered Childminder & a Home Start Family Support Worker. And of course birthing, breastfeeding & raising my own 5 children definitely adds to what I can bring to you as a Doula, I have been a young mum, a single working parent, a stay at home parent & an older mum. I have always been that mum other mum's turn to when they have questions or need support. I always happily go above & beyond for each & every one. I am a member of the Doula Association, I am in the fortunate position of having a more experienced Doula supporting me in the background, giving me access to her well practiced know how & wisdom. All my Doula work is overseen & carefully regulated by the Doula Association I abide by the Doula Association ethos & Code of Conduct. I am insured for all my Doula services & hold a current DBS
What happens when I contact you ?It is always a pleasure to talk to expectant & new parents, answering any questions they may have. If you would like to book a Free Consultation via Zoom, we can arrange this meeting at your convenience. We will first have a chat on the phone & if you would then like to book a Zoom Consultation I will email you a form to fill in if you havent already filled in the contact form on the contact page of my website. The form asks for basic details such as your expected date of delivery, where you hope to birth your baby, what Health Care team you are under as well as any hopes or concerns you have alongside any questions you may like answers to. At the Consultation we will discuss the details you filled in on your form & how I can support you as your Doula. You can ask questions & talk through any concerns. It also allows you to get to know me & decide if I am the Doula for you.
What happens next ?After our Zoom consultation, you will have a week to decide if I am the Doula for you. This is so I can offer proposed dates to waiting clients quickly if you would like to choose another Doula. If you do decide I am the Doula for you, thank you, It is always an honour to support parents through this magical time & give them the start to parenthood they deserve. We wil confirm your requirements & I will tailor my services around what you needs ensuring you recieve the best care possible. The next step is to discuss details, contract obligations & possible dates for my services to start. Once I have received payment of your deposit to secure your booking. We can then confirm the dates for & I will send you a confirmation email with a Timeline of Services, Payment received & Payment schedule along with a Letter of Agreement, outlining terms & my commitment to you. I am then available for you 24/7 to contact me by phone, email or message to ask questions or talk about any concerns, discuss any issues & chat about your pregnancy, how you are feeling, physically & emotionally. I look forward to supporting you through this wonderful time!
Birth Doula Service TimelineInitial Consultation After initial contact we will arrange to have a chat on the phone. I can email you further information, including my price list & availability. We can then arrange a Free Consultation via Zoom at a Date & Time to suit you. During this meeting you can learn about me & how I can support you. We can also talk about how to facilitate your needs & preferences for your Labour & Birth, & what you are looking for in a Doula. Booking If you decide I am the Doula for you A Deposit will secure my availability for your EDD & all my Antenatal services. You have the option of paying the Deposit or the Full fee via the Pay Now Button on the Booking Page We will sign a Letter of Agreement outlining my terms & commitment to you with a Payment Plan My 24/7 Email, Phone & Video call support starts from Booking & up to 8 weeks after your baby is born. You are welcome to contact me anytime to ask questions & discuss any issues. We can book Dates & Times for my Antenatal Services and I will send all Booking confirmation by email I will then start work on tailoring my Birth Services, Research, Resources & Admin hours to your requirements Antenatal Support Antenatal Sessions 2 X 2hr Private one-to-one sessions usually booked from 26 Weeks of Pregnancy and/or Hypnobirthing Workshop (Private or Group) Personalised Birth Preference & Postnatal Support Plan Complete Information Pack Evidence based Information supporting your preferences Home Organisation Service Free Consultation & Assessment if required A Personalised Information Pack & access to my Library of Birth & Postnatal Books & DVD The Fee Balance is due at 37 Weeks which covers: Confirmtion of my availability for the 24/7 On call period to start the following week Continuous Labour & Birth Support Postnatal Support Visit Email, Video Call & Telephone Support until your baby is 8 weeks old. You have the option of paying the Deposit or the Full fee via the Pay Now Button on the Booking Page On Call & Birth Support - From 38 Weeks I will be On call for your Birth 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from 10 days prior to your due date until your baby is born. Once Labour begins, I will join you as soon as you are ready for my support. My role includes creating & maintaining a calm & relaxed birthing environment, suggestions for self help methods, Support for your Birth Partner alongside suggestions on how best to support you Guidance with Hospital procedures & any medically recommended interventions. I will stay with you throughout your birth & up to 2 hours after your baby is born until you & your baby are massage techniques & labour positions comfortable & settled. Postnatal Support Visit I provide Unlimited 24/7 Email. Video Call & Telephone Support up to 8 weeks after your baby is born alongside a Post Birth Support Visit in the first 2 weeks after the birth. I will ensure you are adjusting well, have a debrief chat about the Birth & provide any practical, feeding, sleep or emotional support you might need. Such as: Providing bonding time with your new baby Taking care of household tasks Help with Meal planning & preparation Giving you time for self care Support with Newborn care Maternity Nurse Services
Postnatal Doula Service TimelineInitial Consultation After initial contact we will arrange to have a chat on the phone. I can email you further information, including my price list & availability. We can then arrange a Free Consultation via Zoom at a Date & Time to suit you. During this meeting you can learn about me & how I can support you. We can also talk about how to facilitate your needs & preferences for after your baby is born & what you are looking for in a Doula. Booking If you decide I am the Doula for you A Deposit ( 1 Weeks Fees ) & the First weeks Fees in advance will secure my availability for your dates. You have the option of paying the Deposit & the Fees via the Pay Now Button on the Booking Page We will sign a Letter of Agreement outlining my terms & commitment to you with a Payment Plan My 24/7 Email, Phone & Video call support starts from Booking You are welcome to contact me anytime between visits to ask questions & discuss any issues. We can book Dates & Times for my Postnatal Services. I will send Booking & Payment confirmation by email I will then start work on tailoring my Postnatal Services, Research, Resources & Admin hours to your requirements Subsequent Postnatal Visits can be booked & paid for a minimum of a week in advance, with a minimum of 3 hours per day. Postnatal Visits Min 3 Hours Per Session/Day Help with your Postnatal Recovery & Providing bonding time with your new baby Support with Newborn care & Infant Feeding Support Taking care of household tasks & Giving you time for self care Optional Maternity Nurse Overnight Support Optional Home Organisation Service Community Support & 24/7 Telephone & Video call support Newborn Information Pack & Gift Bag Access to my Library of Postnatal Books& DVDs
Copyright Notice
Jade Lawrence is identified as the creator/author/copyright owner on all of the Karma Birthing and Karma Bumps content, materials, resources and intellectual property including website content and wording attributed to the Karma Birthing and Karma Bumps Course
All Karma Birthing and Karma Bumps content materials, resources and intellectual property belongs to Jade Lawrence
Karma Birthing 2018 - 2024
1 Important Notice. No rights reserved on all Karma Birthing Course Content, Resources & Intellectual Property
2. No part of the Karma Birthing content, materials, resources or intellectual property may be copied duplicated or reproduced including the arrangement & construct of included elements of classes particular to Karma Antenatal and Karma Birthing.
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4. No part of the content attributed to the Karma Birthing Course on The Birth Doula Cheshire website, and contained in the Karma Birthing content, materials, resources and intellectual property owned by Jade Lawrence may be copied duplicated or reproduced
Karma Bumps 2018 - 2024
1 Important Notice. No rights reserved on all Karma Bumps Course Content, Resources & Intellectual Property
2. No part of the Karma Bumps content, materials, resources or intellectual property may be copied duplicated or reproduced including the arrangement & construct of included elements particular to Karma Antenatal and Karma Bumps.
3. The construct of the combination of elements of the Karma Bumps Course is a unique & original arrangement created for and unique to Karma Bumps and owned by Jade Lawrence and protected under copyright law.
4. No part of the content attributed to the Karma Bumps Course on The Birth Doula Cheshire website, and contained in the Karma Bumps content, materials, resources and intellectual property owned by Jade Lawrence may be copied duplicated or reproduced
IMPORTANT: If any person or persons wish to copy duplicate or reproduce any content, materials, resources or intellectual property relating to either the Karma Birthing or Karma Bumps Course in any part this is in infringement of copyright law
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e Any content granted permission to be used must include credit to Jade Lawrence or The Birth Doula Cheshire or Doula Buddy.
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